Boston Tea Party
B o s t o n T e a P a r t y By: Luke Table Of Contents ………………………………Introduction 2. Chapter 1 ………………..Basic Info 3. Chapter 2 ……………….Protest 4. Chapter 3 ……………...Bunker Hill 5. Chapter 4 ……………...Result 6. ……………………………..Conclusion 7………………………………..Quiz 8. ……………………………..Glossary Introduction Boston Tea Party what is a protest in the Boston Harbor in 1775 because the tea got way too expensive for them to afford. So they Fought it out but, who won. The answer is in this Book. Basic Info The main parts of the 1775 Boston Tea Party in the Griffins Harbor was King George III England vs George Washington's 13 colonies ,well mainly Massachusetts. In Boston England wanted tea to be more...